

topics that excite us!

Helping Founders

You are crazy to do what you do.  We are too.   We are also experienced in a system of a little bit of planning and making it up as we go along.  Sound familiar?  It’s the governance and operational flow of how the world works and how venture-backed company management teams align with investor goals.

Digital Trust

Trusted digital ecosystems are the basis of human-digital trust.  From a business perspective, it’s all about 3x forms of digital data monetization.  From a tech stack perspective, it’s about person-centric identity and verifiable credentials.  From a public benefit, it’s about open source, open standards, transparency, and open governance where digital citizens are in power.

Patient-Centered Health

We need to take control of our own and our family’s personal health.  This highly regulated governance system fails patient-centered-friendly health.  Together, we have the power to help change this.  High-priority topics include family-based autism care; healthy hearing; urinary tract infections; and targeted probiotic-enhanced microbiome.

Behavioral Intelligence

Excited to discuss how the “Page Rank” of video indexing applies to all vertical and horizontal markets; especially the open -source, open standards post-cookie data privacy Adtech space.

Real Estate

We are very interested in talking about real estate, especially Florida real estate, workforce and student housing, and other purpose-based real estate (e.g. energy, marine, agriculture, solar, minerals).

Grants Management

The U.S. $1.3T grants management ecosystem has led the world in public-private benefit through grants.  The future may lie first in an open-source, open standard blockchain-based utility network supporting the U.S Treasury Department’s FedNow next-generation payment system.

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